Each participating athlete will be provided with the following:
* High Quality Race T-shirt
* Competitor Swim Cap
* Ticket to pre-race dinner event hosted by Four Seasons Jimbaran Bay
* Access to post race awards party and follow up lunch on the beach with local musicians
* Opportunity to participate in discounted tours and watersports activities throughout Bali
* Discounted hotel rates for athletes and their families
* Jenggala's ceramic plate for all top 3 category winners and overall winners
* Topi Renang
* Tiket acara makan malam pra-perlombaan di Four Seasons Jimbaran Bay
* Piala keramik Jenggala untuk peraih 3 besar semua kategori dan pemenang keseluruhan.
Overview / Gambaran Umum
There are two distances at the MRA Bali International Triathlon.
The Olympic Distance Course includes a 1.5 kilometer swim in the warm waters of Jimbaran Bay, a 40 kilometer bike ride on hilly paved roads and a 10 kilometer mostly flat run with a beach finish at the Four Seasons Resort Jimbaran Bay.
The Sprint Distance Course includes a 500 meter swim in the warm waters of Jimbaran Bay, a 20 kilometer flat and fast bike ride and a 5 kilometer flat run with a beach finish at the Four Seasons Resort Jimbaran Bay.
The 5k Run is a scenic 5 kilometer flat run with a beach finish at the Four Seasons Resort Jimbaran Bay.
Entry Fee - Olympic Distance Course
$125 US for non Indonesian residents
$75 US for Indonesian residents (must provide proof of residency, KITAS)
$275 US for Relay Division (teams of 2-3)
$225 US for Relay Division (teams of 2-3) - Indonesian residents (must provide proof of residency, KITAS)
Entry Fee - Sprint Distance Course
$95 US for non Indonesian residents
$50 US for Indonesian residents (must provide proof of residency, KITAS)
$215 US for Relay Division (teams of 2-3)
$150 US for Relay Division (teams of 2-3) - Indonesian residents (must provide proof of residency, KITAS)
Entry Fee - 5k Run
$21 US (approximately 200,000 Rp)
Rute lomba meliputi berenang sejauh 1,5 kilometer di air Teluk Jimbaran yang hangat, bersepeda sejauh 40 kilometer melalui jalan-jalan aspal yang berbukit-bukit, dan berlari sejauh 10 kilometer di areal yang hampir datar semuanya, dimana garis finish akan berada di pinggir pantai Four Seasons Resort Jimbaran Bay.
Biaya Lomba Triatlon:
US$125 untuk penduduk non-Indonesia
US$75 untuk penduduk Indonesia (harus menyertakan bukti domisili, KITAS)
US$275 untuk Divisi Relay (satu tim beranggotakan 3 orang) – penduduk non-Indonesia
US$225 untuk Divisi Relay (satu tim beranggotakan 3 orang) – penduduk Indonesia (harus menyertakan bukti domisili, KITAS)
Biaya Lomba Lari Santai 5K: US$21 (kurang lebih Rp 200.000)
Kami juga akan menyediakan pendaftaran di tempat untuk triatlon dan lari santai 5K di Coconut Grove, Four Seasons dari pk. 14.00-17.00 pada 27/06/10. Para pelari 5K juga bisa mendaftar hari Minggu, 28/06/10 dari pk.07.00-08.00 di tempat perlombaan.
Olympic Distance Course - Male/Female Divisions
Division are based on your age on December 31, 2010
16 - 19
20 - 24
25 - 29
30 - 34
35 - 39
40 - 44
45 - 49
50 - 54
55 - 59
60 - 64
65 - 69
Relay Division
Sprint Distance Course - Male/Female Divisions
Division are based on your age on December 31, 2010
5k Fun Run - Male/Female Awards
Overall Male (1st / 2nd / 3rd)
Overall Female (1st / 2nd / 3rd)
NOTE: We know that life can interfere with scheduled events. So we do allow participants to transfer to registration to another participant. We must be notified 1 week prior to the event date of any transfers. Just email info@balitriathlon.com.
There are no refunds. Changes to the course, and other changes beyond the control of the event producers will not be cause for a refund. If the event is postponed, entries will be forwarded to the new event date.
Didasarkan pada usia Anda pada tanggal 31 Desember, 2010.
16 - 19
20 - 24
25 - 29
30 - 34
35 - 39
40 - 44
45 - 49
50 - 54
55 - 59
60 - 64
65 - 69
Ada juga divisi relay-nya!
CATATAN: Kami mengerti bahwa terkadang ada kepentingan mendadak yang bisa mengganggu jadwal Anda untuk berpartisipasi disini. Oleh karena itu, kami mengijinkan peserta untuk mentransfer partisipasinya kepada peserta lain. Namun, untuk pentransferan ini, kami harus diberitahukan 1 minggu sebelum tanggal perlombaan. E-mail saja ke: info@balitriathlon.com. Tidak ada pengembalian uang pendaftaran. Perubahan pada lomba, dan perubahan lainnya di luar kendali pelaksana lomba tidak akan menyebabkan uang Anda kembali. Apabila perlombaan ditunda, uang pendaftaran akan dimasukkan ke tanggal lomba yang baru.SWIM
The course in Jimbaran Bay will be clearly marked by buoys and water safety will be provided by the lifeguards from Kuta Beach.
** Wetsuits are not allowed as the race will follow federation rules prohibiting wetsuits in waters over 20 degrees Centigrade.
** All athletes must wear their assigned swim cap on race day.
** There is a 700m sand run from the swim finish to transition!Renang Wilayah perlombaan di Teluk Jimbaran akan ditandai dengan jelas menggunakan buoy (bola pelampung) dan keselamatan peserta di dalam air akan dipastikan oleh para penjaga pantai Pantai Jimbaran (BALAWISTA).
** Penggunaan wetsuit tidak diperbolehkan di dalam perlombaan karena lomba ini akan mengikuti peraturan federasi yang tidak memperbolehkan penggunaan wetsuit di dalam air dengan suhu di atas 20 derajat Celcius.
** Semua atlit harus menggunakan topi renang yang telah disediakan pada hari perlombaan. he course in Jimbaran Bay will be clearly marked by buoys and water safety will be provided by the lifeguards from Kuta Beach.Bike
The bike course begins from T1 at the edge of Jimbaran Bay and continues through the Nusa Dua area of Bali. The course will extend through the hills above Nusa Dua and loop back to T1 at Jimbaran.
** Although motor vehicle traffic will be closed in one lane of each roadway, riders are encouraged to keep an eye out for motorists and pedestrians and ride to the right of the road.
** Drafting is not permitted and course marshals will enforce the rule.
** Two small speed bumps in Nusa Dua must be negotiated and riders will be asked to slow in this area.
** One aid station will be provided near the turn around point of the bike course.
** Bike mechanics will be available on race day to assist racers with mechanical issues.
** We will have limited bike rentals (both road and mountain bike) available. Please email andreas@balidiscovery.com for more information.Balap Sepeda
Rute bersepeda mulai dari T1 di pinggir Teluk Jimbaran dan berlanjut melalui area Nusa Dua. Rute ini akan diperpanjang melalui bukit-bukit di atas Nusa Dua dan kembali ke T1 di Jimbaran.
** Walaupun lalu-lintas kendaraan bermotor akan ditutup satu jalur di setiap jalan yang dilalui, para pembalap sepeda diharapkan untuk tetap waspada terhadap pengendara motor dan pejalan kaki, serta bersepeda pada sisi kanan jalan.
** Drafting tidak diperbolehkan dan petugas lintasan akan memastikan semua peserta mematuhinya.
** Dua polisi tidur kecil di Nusa Dua harus diperhitungkan dan para pembalap akan diminta untuk menurunkan kecepatan di wilayah ini.
** Sebuah pusat bantuan medis akan disediakan di dekat titik balik rute lomba balap sepeda. ** Teknisi sepeda akan siap sedia pada hari perlombaan untuk membantu pembalap yang mendapatkan masalah teknis.
** Anda tidak akan bisa menemukan penyewaan sepeda balap/triatlon di Bali, tapi Anda bisa menyewa sepeda gunung.Run
The run course is on flat paved roads through Jimbaran Village. Depending upon race day tides, the final 100-400 meters of the course will be a sand finish on Jimbaran Beach.
** Although motor vehicle traffic will be closed in one lane of the roadway, runners are encouraged to keep an eye out for motorists and pedestrians.
** Aid stations will be set up at 3 kilometer intervals along the run course.
Rute lomba lari ini adalah jalan aspal datar melalui Desa Jimbaran. Tergantung pasang-surut air di hari perlombaan, Anda akan berlari 100-400 meter sebelum finish di pasir Pantai Jimbaran.
** Walaupun lalu-lintas kendaraan bermotor akan ditutup satu jalur di setiap jalan yang dilalui, pelari diharapkan untuk tetap waspada terhadap pengendara motor dan pejalan kaki.
** Pusat-pusat bantuan medis akan bisa ditemukan di setiap interval 3 kilometer di sepanjang rute lomba lari.Race Week Schedule / Jadwal Perlombaan
Thursday - June 17, 2010 / Kamis, 17 Juni 2010
Athletes arrive and enjoy island activities at their leisure.
Atlit tiba dan bersantai di pulau Bali.
Friday - June 18, 2010 / Jumat, 18 Juni 2010
8:00 a.m. - 10 a.m. / 08.00 - 10.00
Guided Bike Course Tour - departs from Coconut Grove at the Four Seasons
Please bring water, gels, change of clothes (if needed)
Tur Rute Balap Sepeda – berangkat dari Coconut Grove di Four Seasons. Mohon membawa air, krim tabir surya, baju ganti (jika perlu)
10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. / 10.30 - 11.30
Balinese Bike Blessing - at Coconut Grove at the Four Seasons
Pemberkatan Sepeda dengan adat Bali – di Coconut Grove, Four Seasons
11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. / 11.00 - 15.00
Bike mechanic service available - at Coconut Grove at the Four Seasons
Penyediaan layanan servis sepeda – di Coconut Grove, Four Seasons
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. / 14.00 - 15.00
Optional Group Swim - at Coconut Grove at the Four Seasons
Renang Berkelompok (jika diinginkan) – di Coconut Grove, Four Seasons
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. / 17.00 - 19.00
Athlete Reception at MRA Bali Triathlon Headquarters at the Four Seasons
Cocktails and light hors d’oeuvres
Saturday - June 19, 2010 / Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010
8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. / 8.00 - 9.00
Optional Group Run/Jog - at Coconut Grove at the Four Seasons
Lari/Jogging Berkelompok (jika diinginkan) – di Coconut Grove, Four Seasons
11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. / 11.00 - 15.00
Bike mechanic service available - at Coconut Grove at the Four Seasons
Penyediaan layanan servis sepeda – di Coconut Grove, Four Seasons
2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. / 14.00 - 18.00
Packet Pick-up - at Coconut Grove at the Four Seasons
Pengambilan paket – di Coconut Grove, Four Seasons
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. / 16.00 - 17.00
Mandatory Race Briefing at Coconut Grove (next to Four Seasons)
Briefing Lomba (peserta haru0s hadir) – di Coconut Grove, Four Seasons
5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. / 17.00 - 21.00Pre-Race Event Dinner at Coconut Grove (next to Four Seasons)
Food Tickets for family/friends will for sale - $15 US
Acara Makan Malam Pra-Lomba – di Coconut Grove, Four Seasons. Tiket makanan untuk keluarga/teman akan dijual seharga US$15
Sunday - June 20, 2010 / Minggu, 20 Juni 2010
7:00 a.m. / 07.00 Sprint Distance Start - at Coconut Grove at the Four Seasons
Gelombang Pertama Perlombaan Berjarak Olimpiade Dimulai – di Coconut Grove, Four Seasons
7:30 a.m. / 07.30
Olympic Distance Start - at Coconut Grove at the Four Seasons
8:00 a.m. / 08.00
5k Fun Run Start - at Coconut Grove at the Four Seasons
Lomba Lari Santai 5k dimulai – di Coconut Grove, Four Seasons
11:00 a.m. / 11.00
Awards - at Coconut Grove at the Four Seasons
Pemberian Penghargaan – di Coconut Grove, Four Seasons
9:00 a.m. - 2 p.m. / 09.00 - 14.00
Post Event Social hosted by Four Seasons
Acara Sosial Paska Lomba dijamu oleh Four Seasons
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. / 17.00 - 19.00
Informal Athlete Send Off at MRA Bali Triathlon Headquarters at Four Seasons
Cocktails and light hors d’oeuvres
Pemulangan Atlit secara Informal di Markas MRA Bali International Triathlon pada acara Koktil dan santap tinggi karbohidrat di Four Seasons
For Detail / Selengkapnya: balitriathlon
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